Thursday, July 5, 2012

Sometimes...And the 4th.

Sometimes life gets crazy lazy. 
I admit it. I've been a lazy non-bloggin bum. 
I wish I could say I had a good reason. 
Buuuuttttt... Sometimes you just have to slow down for a while.

Not that I've been able to slow down life. Very hard to do that, although it is sometimes tempting to drop everything, have Hubby pick me up from work, and rush to the airport where we purchase to one-way tickets to the Bahamas and become nomad fishermen. 
Not that I've been planning anything. 
But life lately was filled with basketball workouts with Hubby, thrifting trips, old classic cars in the junkyard behind work (currently the new home of some baby kitties), those terrifying crescent rolls that JUST. WON'T. POP., glass elevators (swearing may or may not have been involved when I saw how high I was getting), funny graffiti, and FINALLY rain... Yah, life's not so bad. :)

PS. I hope your Independence Day was wonderful--ours definitely was. We had a BBQ with some great new friends, went to a minor league baseball game and chilled in the "grass section," and then saw the awesome firework show afterward. Lots of fun! God bless America and our brave troops. How truly wonderful it is to be able to decide who we want to be, what we want to be, where we want to go, and just how lazy we sometimes want to be.  :) 

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