Friday, June 8, 2012

Instagram Newbie

The newest Instagram Newbie: Yours Truly. 
And I have to admit, I'm a tad obsessed.

I just got a smartphone--my patient husband finally gave in to my incessant whining. Poor man. So glad I have a good camera that I can carry around with me now (if you haven't noticed, most of the pictures I have posted have been "apartment bound"). Well, I am going mobile, people! Haha, about time I joined this century. 

Anyway, having so much fun testing out the apps and whatnot. Love the Instagram app, I think it's quite fun to share pictures so easily. And honestly, it's not even the sharing part. I love the filters and how easy it is: I plan to use these pictures to enhance the blog and our Project Life scrapbook. 

So follow along! :)



1 comment:

  1. A big part of Adidas’ success on Instagram might be attributed to their cross-network integration. Of the 49 photos they’ve posted on Instagram over the three month period, all but one were shared to both Facebook and Twitter. buy instagram likes review
